For Realtors
We are well aware of how just before a scheduled closing test results come back high for radon in air, in water, or both. I do everything in my power to satisfy your needs and the needs of your clients in your time frame. I can promptly schedule a site evaluation for the home usually the same day I am contacted. I have rescheduled other non-real estate related installations in order to meet your timelines when necessary, in brief…I do what ever it takes! Getting payment at closing is never an issue but it is helpful if we know ahead of time. Another helpful service I offer is sending photos depicting the approximate location and appearance of a proposed system which is helpful when your client is out-of-state.
The photo on the left is the phototaken while doing the site evaluation depicting the approximate appearance of the radon system. This gets Emailed along with my proposal.
The photo on the right shows the system installed, remarkably similar! I can also do the same for any portion of a radon system including Inside Mount configurations.
For Your Clients
I am often called upon to speak with your clients, calm their fears about purchasing a home with radon here in Maine. I take special pride in my ability to educate them about radon, the radon mitigation process and its effectiveness, and answer all their questions. I am always happy to meet with your clients or answer their questions by phone or Email.
What Should Be Known About GAC
I am often called by realtors or their clients with questions about a GAC system to treat radon in water. GAC is the acronym for Granulated Activated Charcoal, which is used by some contractors to remove radon from water. The cost of a GAC system may be (by comparison to the cost of an aeration system) appealing to someone who is selling a home or to a home owner who does not know the potential health hazards of such a system. Some of the potential health hazards include exposure to gamma radiation, bacterial contamination of drinking water, and exposure to low level radioactive waste. There are strict guidelines that must be followed when installing a GAC system. A copy of the guidelines is here GAC for Radon in Water The most significant parts have been highlighted for quick reference.